Yashah Ben Yah'shua
Servant and Royal Emissary
The House of Davïd
KYCN Official Statement:
Yashah Ha Shaleakh, a Servant of Almighty YAH our Father and Yahushua Ha Mashiakh our Redeemer; to the Princes, Priests, Apostles, Prophets, Teachers and Elders of Yisrael: Shalom, Shalum, Shalam, Shalawam and Peace.
The purpose of the KYCN National Leadership Council is:
To come together in brotherhood, unity, and fellowship.
To develop biblical strategies to remove the ancient curses.
To reclaim our stolen legacy, both natural and spiritual.
To re-establish our Kingdom government.
To restore our birthright as primary heirs and executors of the Holy Covenants.
I, Yashah Ben Yahushua, of the House of Davïd, the Founding Father of TCVI-KYCN, Do Seek To Identify and Convene a Diverse Body of Chosen, Faithful, and Wise Men In Yisrael, Representing Every Stream of Thought, Among Hebrew Yisraelites In Yahushua Ha Mashiakh; With the Intent To Ratify Our Constitution, As a Foundational Seed For the New Kingdom Sanhedrin of Yisrael in Exile; To Fill the Kingdom Ministry Offices of the Nation, According To Each Man's Tribal Calling In Ha Mashiakh; and To Come Into Everlasting Unity and Spiritual Perfection In Him.
Sons of YAH: If you are a Hebrew Yisraelite in Ha Mashiakh-Christ, and thirty years of age or above, you are eligible. If you meet the basic requirements set forth [in Titus 1:5-11], and wish to correspond with us, please contact us at: Todah, Benim - Thank you, Sons!
May the Grace and Mercy of Abba YAH be unto you - Shal'm and Peace.
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KYCN National Leadership Council.pdf
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