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September 3, 2016

Yashah Ben Yah'shua

Servant and Royal Emissary

The House of Davïd

TCVI Official Statement:


Beloved Countrymen, as Torah observant Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ, our churches, camps and organizations must be operated and administered in Kingdom sovereignty - without external constraints. That is to say, we must now move beyond corporate requirements and '501(c)3' rules and regulations for churches, which intrusively determine how such entities operate.


As faithful shepherds of Yisrael, we must no longer be structurally limited by a U.S. Government-imposed CEO and board of directors; nor spiritually compromised by endless bureaucratic red tape, corrupt federal funding, and political gag orders. The Church at Victorville / Kingdom of Yisrael Community Network et al, has met this divinely ordained standard.


In fact, the TCVI non-501(c)3 unincorporated church association is legally and lawfully recognized as being tax-exempt, even though it is is not a charitable arm of the federal or state government. TCVI's exemption was duly established because all churches must be granted operational sovereignty as a matter of Constitutional law; and our founding documents have been officially acknowledged as such.


Not that we seek to be lawless. YAH forbid! Unlike the corporate hirelings, we do not seek to operate above the law. As it is written, "...the powers that be are ordained of YAH." That being said, we as Yisraelites have no collective authority to assume, declare nor demand our place among the independent family of nations. According to the prophecies, only Almighty YAH can restore the Kingdom to Yisrael, since it also requires turning the hearts of kings and rulers to fulfill His will. And only Abba YAH, through His chosen elect, possesses the infinite Power and Authority to accomplish this. Even so, Ahmen.


Hear, O Yisrael: The eyes of Almighty YAH are searching to and fro throughout the earth, seeking an uncompromised, spiritually sovereign remnant, whose hearts are right before Him, in humble obedience to His Word.


But - be not deceived, saints! The faithful remnant does not include:


  • Those who defy the divinely ordained powers that be, in the name of sovereignty.

  • Those who call for repatriation through the flesh, rather than by the Holy Spirit.

  • Those who enter worldly agreements that require moral and spiritual compromise.

Finally, brethren, TCVI / KYCN maintains that ultimately, the faithful and true shepherds of Yisrael in Christ must organize and govern the New Kingdom according to the Bible itself, rather than under a Torah-derived abstract, or other religious and political traditions of men.


We, The Kingdom of Yisrael Community Network, Do Hereby Decree, According to the Duly Authorized Plenipotentiary Power Vested In the Servant By Almighty YAHUWAH Through Christ; That the Sovereignty of the United Kingdom of Yisrael Will Not Be Established By Entering Into Any Contractual Agreement of Any Kind; With Any Earthly Power, Under the Current Guidelines of Local, County, State, National Or International Law; Or In Any Location On Earth; Up To and Including the United States of America and Eretz Yisrael.



For the downloadable statement,

click on the link below:

Kingdom Sovereignty.pdf

Afro Indigenous Mexicans Become Sovereign

"Afro" Yisraelites in Mexico are now being legally recognized as a sovereign nationality... Your emerging Kingdom city-state is now gaining legal traction in North America!

For a full listing of Kingdom resources, click here.

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