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The Servant

YASHAH BLACK _ WHITE_edited_edited_edite

Yashah Ben Yahushua is a Servant and Royal Emissary of the House of Davïd, sent by Almighty YAH through Christ.
Elder Yashah was born in Los Angeles, California, and raised in the Watts-Willowbrook area, and has been a dedicated disciple of Christ for over forty years. The elder apostle is the founding father of the Church at Victorville (TCVI), The Kingdom of Yisrael Community Network (KYCN), and Mayim Records.
From his personal conversion until today, this humble servant's labor in the LORD has been constant and uncompromised. And in truth, a miraculous visitation and anointing by the risen Christ in the summer of 1982 has made his calling and ministry unique - and highly controversia

Over the years, the elder servant has connected with and prophesied before key figures in the music industry; along with prominent L.A. pastors and "prosperity preachers," and a broad diversity of international leadership throughout the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement.

In 2017, Elder Yashah was divinely appointed to an affiliation with the legendary 'African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem' and the 'Village of Peace' at Dimona, Israel - which the U.S. Congress has aptly dubbed, 'The Miracle in the Desert,' and has remained for some fifty-four years, the largest organized settlement of so-called African Americans outside of America.

Since that time, the servant has been engaged in direct dialogue and fellowship with his Excellency, Nasik Gavriel Ha Gadol, the Elder Statesman of the Holy Council at Dimona, and a Founding Father of the 'Kingdom of YAH'; along with exchanging Kingdom strategies and doctrine with the Kefar's Minister of Information, Sar Ahmadiel Ben Yehuda, pioneer Elder Daniyel Ben Gavriel, and  Elder Priests AmonYah Ben Eleazar of Mitzpé Ramon, and Anavyel Ben Ephraim of Arad.

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Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael (second from L) and beloved son Ben Asiel (second from R) on one of several diplomatic missions in key African nations (circa 2017).

In the process, the servant was also blessed through miraculous circumstances to connect in Kingdom governance and brotherhood with his Excellency, the great Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael (R.I.C.), the Kingdom's original International Ambassador. At the time of the prince's transition on August 21, 2022, he was faithfully serving as Prime Minister of the Hebrew Yisraelite Nation Worldwide; and as Founder and Director of the ministry outreach, 'A Better World.' May our beloved Elder Statesman and countryman rest in Eternal Completeness... YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!

As for the works of the apostle Yashah:

From writing, producing and prophesying at the pinnacle of the music business while refusing to sell his soul for "stardom," to boldly challenging corrupt industry producers and executives; to publicly rebuking corrupt religious leaders; to raising a natural family as Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ; to founding and directing Preparing the Way Ministries, and its landmark website,; to creating the breakthrough 'Yahoo Forum,' Hebrew Israelites in Christ; to mentoring, teaching, and providing curriculum for at-risk youth in Southern California's High Desert...

Over the decades, the servant's labor in Ha Mashiakh has become a reliable source of edification and inspiration for many. His Divine calling has been sifted and tested for forty years, through many fiery trials; and has been approved in the Holy Spirit by both GOD and man, and borne witness to among the faithful remnant of the Most High, across America and around the world.

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