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  • About | United States | TCVI

    A brief summary of TCVI ABOUT Above all things, the Church at Victorville is about love . Love for Almighty YAH our Father, King Yahushua our Redeemer, and true Yisrael our people. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering... The Fruit of the Spirit are timeless virtues that represent the sum and substance of the Law. And to that end, TCVI is dedicated to rebuilding the Royal Church, according to the Blueprint of Christ Himself! KINGDOM SOVEREIGNTY TCVI is the Royal Governing Order of the Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael. The administration was founded in August of 2014, as a sovereign, non-501(c)3 unincorporated association - according to the U.S. Constitution, and the Torah; The Eternal Body of Universal Law. TCVI embodies the divine national order and rule of Christ "in seed form." That is to say, we are designed to evolve into a sovereign Yisraelite city-state. And in fact, this is exactly what the true Body of Christ has been divinely ordained to become. IT'S KINGDOM TIME The Adoption of Sons TCVI represents a Universal Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisraelites, transcending our local congregations, camps and organizations. And to be sure, we are led by Hebrew Yisraelites, who are the rightful and legal executors of the Holy Covenants. But consider, saints, that even the term 'Hebrew Yisraelites' itself, validates Christ's grafted-in Yisraelites. Indeed, our hearts and doors are open in Christ to receive the adopted sons and daughters of Abba YAH from every kindred, tongue, nation and people (Ex. 12:43-51; Rev. 14:6-7). In fact, TCVI foresees many naturalized citizens serving as official Kingdom representatives on behalf of their countries of origin. And this divine principle shall soon help to facilitate formal diplomatic relations throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. THE ADOPTION OF STRANGE WOMEN

  • Sojourn | United States | TCVI

    A brief photo history of the sojourn of TCVI founder Yashah Ben Yah'shua. Sojourn GROWING The beloved Mr. Watkins (R.I.C.), Founder of the Watts Labor Community Action Committee, standing outside the facility with some of the many young people, just like the servant, that received crucial assistance in many ways... TOURING The Sylvers' drummer and bassist, Alvino Bennett and Dana Marshall, checking out the venue before our concert at Magic Mountain Amusement Park in Cali. PRODUCING The 'Titanic' Hit Machine... Holding Bible studies as a staff writer-producer at Silverspoon Productions - and turning down a Motown-distributed record deal that required creative/spiritual compromise. PREPARING An old screen shot from the early days of the 'Preparing The Way' prophetic public access TV outreach, conceived and written through the servant - covering the greater Los Angeles area, and launched in April,1993. WORSHIPING Our beautiful akhotim [sisters] dancing in praise and worship before Abba YAH, at 'The Love Gathering' Hebrew Yisraelite Conference and Fellowship - Atlanta GA, 2005. FATHERING Celebrating at the servant's eldest son Khallil's graduation ceremony - May 2010. L to r. - Khallil's uncle T.D., his father, and his grandpa Tommy (R.I.C.) MENTORING The servant and some of his students, at Brentwood Elementary School in Victorville - June 2014. From the 'Swag Kidz' - "the worst class in the worst school in the district" - to 'The B'Wyze Crew' - future leaders of our community... REFLECTING Coming to terms with the longsuffering, persecution and total surrender of an apostolic assignment in Christ... REASONING Exchanging notes with Captain Sakawar of ISUPK, at their local BBQ here in Victorville in 2017. The group's leader, Commanding General Yahanna (in the red t-shirt), acknowledged the servant warmly and respectfully. RESTORING Providing apostolic and prophetic revelation, and a Divine Order of Kingdom Governance, to rebuild the ancient Tabernacle of Davïd. DECLARING Inscribing for Hebrew Yisraelite posterity, the post-2019 age of spiritual liberty for the universal Elect in Christ. - August, 2020 SERVING The Servant-Emissary of Abba YAH and Yahushua Ha Mashiakh. - September, 2021

  • The Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael | United States | TCVI

    The Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael - An Overview THE KINGDOM "Have you not considered what this people have spoken, saying of the two families which YAHUWAH has chosen, that He has cast them off? And thus, they have despised my people, that they should no longer be a nation before them." - Jeremiah 33:24 ***** The Royal House As we witness the dawning of the Everlasting Age, Christ is once again raising the Tabernacle of Davïd, to reunite the staffs of Judah and Joseph as One Kingdom under YAH! THE ORDER OF DAVÏD THE HOUSE OF EPHRA Ï M Judicial Council From the Tribe of the Birthright, Abba YAH has ordained this house to administer justice throughout the Kingdom Commonwealth (Jeremiah 31:6-9). THE HOUSE OF DAV Ï D The Royal Council This is the Family of Yisrael, chosen and anointed by Almighty YAH through King Dav ï d to rule His chosen people forever (2 Samuel 7:12-16). THE HOUSE OF TZADÓK Legislative Council As the Second Family of Yisrael, this is the YAH-delegated Body of Levitical Lawyers and Legislators of the eternal Sanhedrin (Ezekiel 44:10-15). THE HOUSE OF LORDS State Council A Representative Body of Elders shall serve at the state level, directing day-to-day operations within their respective local and tribal municipalities, pursuant to the Order of the Royal Council (Exodus 18:13-27). Look beyond race and religion, and discover the Kingdom purpose of Hebrew Yisraelites! THE DIVINE ORDER OF NATIONS "The House of Ephraïm shall direct the ten northern tribes, ministering as judges and Kingdom watchmen on behalf of the Royal Family" (Isaiah 11:13). "The Divine key to the New Kingdom is the restoring of Executive power to the Royal House, established under the reign of King Davïd" (Jeremiah 33:14-16). "The appointed priestly remnant of Tzadók shall oversee continuous sacrifices and offerings to Almighty YAH in His eternal Temple" (Ezekiel 43:18-19).

  • The Branch | United States | TCVI

    Apostolic Doctrine - The Branch: The Hidden Son of David THE BRANCH The Hidden Son of Davïd "In those days and at that time, I will cause to grow up to Davïd a Branch of righteousness; he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell safely…" - Jeremiah 33:15-16 In the Name of YAHUWAH our Father, and Yahushua the Messiah, our Redeemer, Greetings. Beloved Family - the books of the ancient prophets contain many passages that have been wrongfully interpreted by Euro-Gentile scholars as referring to Christ, which are in fact, prophesying the coming of a royal kinsman of Christ, and not of Christ Himself. And sadly, this fundamental error has led to much division and confusion over the Gospel, and the coming restoration of the Kingdom to Yisrael... Now, for those of us who are born from above through the Holy Spirit, the fact that Yahushua is true Yisrael's Messiah is undeniable. The historical truth of His death, burial, and physical resurrection from the dead, witnessed by hundreds of our ancient Hebrew Yisraelite fathers, is absolutely indisputable. However, what still remains unclear for most of us are the prophecies concerning the House of Davïd, and the Royal Hebrew Yisraelite lineage and family of Christ. Like most of Hebrew eschatology, this matter has been grossly mishandled by the corporate 'theologians' of Churchianity. And ironically, their miscalculations have been widely accepted by supposed "African Americans" in general - including the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware - in the absence of a true Hebraic understanding of end-time events. Hear, O Yisrael: know and understand the end-time revelation that the 'Branch,' by Divine inheritance, holds the David ic key to the New Exodus; to the deliverance, the repatriation, and the eternal governance of our people, the Kingdom Commonwealth, and the world. Sélah. Now, let us examine a few key passages of scripture that have been said to represent Christ, but actually speak of an anointed son of Davïd yet to come: YermiYahu-Jeremiah 23 3 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries where I have driven them and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. According to this verse, Jeremiah's prophecy concerns the end-times, when true Yisrael shall be repatriated to her original Promised Land. 4 And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, says YAHUWAH. 5 Behold, the days come, says YAHUWAH, that I will raise unto Davïd a righteous Branch; and a king shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. Notice, saints, that the king in question is referred to as a righteous Branch. So, is Christ somehow a subordinate of King Davïd? YAH forbid! In fact, both King Davïd and Yahushua Himself have refuted the false doctrine and assumption that Davïd's L ORD (Christ) was conceived as a branch of fallen man (Matt. 22:41-45). Sélah . YeshaYahu-Isaiah 11 1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Yishai-Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots: Now according to this verse, an end-time king shall proceed from the loins of King Davïd, who is the stem, or branch, of his father Yishai. And as we all know, a son comes forth out of his father, just as a branch or stem grows out of a root. And as Abba YAH revealed to Isaiah, this branch will not only come from the seed of Davïd, but he will also grow out of Davïd’s roots . And who is the root of Davïd, the stem of Jesse? Christ! And even as Christ Himself declared, "I am the Root and the Offspring of Davïd." Notice that Yahushua did not say He was the son of Davïd - the Hebrew word 'ben' (son) meaning one who inherits the character, authority and renown of his father. Sélah . Now let us reason together, brethren. Why would the Root of Davïd - Christ - clone Himself as His own son? Surely, that bizarre twisting of scripture could only have originated from the author of confusion. As for the Branch: Again, his flesh proceeds from the loins of Davïd - but his soul and spirit proceed from the Root of Davïd - from the Divine Spirit of Yahushua Himself. MattitYahu-Matthew 22 Yahushua Himself put it this way: 41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Yahushua asked them, 42 saying, "What do you think of Christ? Whose son is He?" They said unto Him, 'The son of Davïd.'" And this is exactly who most H eb rews, Christians, and Messianics believe "Jesus" to be - the son of Davïd, who was prophesied to come at the end of days. And of course, the whole first-century generation, even including His apostles before His Resurrection, believed that as well. It is for this very reason that the Torah-only Yisraelites of today have not yet received Yahushua as their Messiah. And ironically, it's the same reason the Levitical order refused to receive Him from the beginning... But then who did Yahushua declare Himself to be? Surely, Christ has the final word on His own identity! Ahmen? 43 He said unto them, "How then does Davïd in Spirit call Him Master, saying, 44 'YAHUWAH said to my Lord, sit on My right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool.' 45 If Davïd then called him Lord, how is He his son?" In other words, how can Davïd's son also be Davïd's Master? And why would Davïd call his own son Lord? After all, my brethren, what man among us would ever call his son(s) Lord? So then, who is this son of Davïd? The next verse reveals what will happen to Yahushua's adversaries when we correctly identify him: 46 "...and no man was able to answer Him a word; neither did any man from that day forth ask Him any more questions." Sélah . Now, as we all know, the generation of the Messiah longed for the son of Davïd who would deliver Yisrael from political oppression. But - they wanted Yahushua to deliver Yisrael unto themselves , and not unto YAH. Not because they believed the Master's report, but because they simply wanted to regain national sovereignty. So when the people attempted to forcibly make Him their King, He deferred. Indeed, that was the temptation of Satan to Ha Mashiakh: 'Worship me, and you can establish the Kingdom right now, without having to be crucified.' Without having to die to the flesh. A much easier course of action than the Root of Davïd dying for the sins of Yisrael, so the son of Davïd may inherit the Divine key to deliver the elect of YAH some two-thousand years later... In other words, Satan attempted to execute the grand illusion of gain without pain - the ultimate religious deception, coming from the founding father of lies. Hear, O Yisrael, and innerstand: Yahushua our Messiah resisted and overcame that universal temptation; as well as the subtle twisting of scripture that misrepresents our Heavenly Redeemer as "The Son of Davïd." And so must we. Behold, saints: The Master Teacher Himself remained faithful in the Truth; that in the Royal House of Yisrael, He, and He alone, is the Root of Davïd - the Everlasting Father of the hidden son of Davïd! And He did so unto death; even the death of the cross. And therefore, Abba YAH has highly exalted Him; and has given Him a Name which is above every name, even as it is written. Surely, the hour has come for the Holy Nation to become steadfast and unmovable in this basic kingdom truth. Sélah . YeshaYahu-Isaiah 42 1 Behold my servant whom I uphold; my elect, in whom my soul delights; I have put My Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. 2 He shall not cry out, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. In the above passage, Isaiah prophesies that this servant of YAH "…shall not raise up, nor cry out in the streets." And this obviously cannot be a reference to Messiah Yahushua, since He did just that - as do many of our Hebrew Yisraelite brothers today. 3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench; he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. 4 He shall not fail nor be discouraged, until he has set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law. And the deeply hidden truth is that this prophecy of the coming Branch has yet to be fulfilled... 2 Sh'muel-Samuel 7 12 And when your days be fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, which shall proceed out of your bowels, and I will establish his Kingdom. Clearly, this verse speaks of the same son of Davïd the prophets foresaw. The one whom traditional Christians and most among the Hebrew-aware believe is Yahushua Ha Mashiakh - Christ. But consider what Abba YAH Himself went on to say concerning Davïd's son: 13 He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his Kingdom forever. 14 I will be his Father, and he shall be My son. If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: 15 But My mercy shall not depart from him, as I took it from Sha'ul, whom I put away from before you. Obviously, this prophecy is in no wise referring to Shelomo Ha Melekh (King Solomon), who built temples not only for YAHUWAH, but for Ashtaroth and other pagan deities, which caused his own line to be cursed, and eliminated from ruling in Yisrael forever. As for this prophecy being about Yahushua: the foreknowledge of YAH would not allow even for a suggestion that our Messiah might sin, and thereby abort His Divine mission. Sélah . Now consider who these many unmistakable prophecies of the son of Davïd are not referring to: King Yahushua - for He was without sin. King Davïd - for he was disallowed even from building the physical house. King Solomon - for he was called to build the physical house only. Surely, the Messianic end-time prophecies cited refer to the son of Davïd who is yet to come - the anointed one associated with the final wave offering of the New Exodus; when the Kingdom of Yisrael shall truly be free; as the eternal living Temple, highly exalted above all nations! Now as you know, brethren, there remains much controversy among the Hebrew-aware at-large over the doctrine of reincarnation. And much if not most of this confusion also stems from the prophecies concerning the son of Davïd in the end-times. For example: YermiYahu-Jeremiah 30 7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Ya'aqob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. 8 For it shall come to pass in that day, says YAHUWAH of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off your neck, and will burst your bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him: 9 But they shall serve YAHUWAH their GOD, and Davïd their king whom I will raise up unto them. Beloved family, when taken in proper context, and in light of all the references to the rule of Davïd in the latter days, none of the relevant passages of scripture actually refer to King Davïd himself! Therefore, neither will a reincarnated King Davïd rule over the Kingdom to come. Hoshea-Hosea 3:4-5 4 For the children of Yisrael shall abide many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, without ephod or teraphim. 5 Afterward, the children of Yisrael shall return and seek YAHUWAH their GOD, and Davïd their king. They shall fear YAHUWAH and His goodness in the latter days. Finally, brethren, this passage from Hoshea concerning the sojourn and ultimate destiny of the ten northern tribes [Yisrael-Ephraim] is an undeniable reference - not to Christ, but to "Davïd their King." And again, King Davïd himself was forbidden by Abba YAH even from building the physical temple, much less the spiritual temple made up of the redeemed of Yisrael in Christ! As it is written, "You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to YAH through Yahushua Ha Mashiakh" (1 Kefa-Peter 2:5). Therefore, the above passage also indicates that Hoshea’s prophecy is referring to a chosen and elect descendant of Davïd. Plain and simple. Hear O Yisrael, and understand: The prophetic references cited in this message and beyond, clearly speak not of Christ, the Root of Davïd, but a son of Davïd; one who will be sought out and appointed by Yisrael as one head - the Branch - even as the prophet Hoshea clearly describes; and as the complete record of Hebrew eschatology undoubtedly affirms. Even so, Ahmen. May the Grace, Mercy, and Shal'm of Abba YAH be with you all. Echad! IT'S KINGDOM TIME. For the downloadable document, click on the link below: The Branch.pdf For a full listing of Kingdom resources, click here .

  • Kingdom Praise | United States | TCVI

    A Word From the Servant - Kingdom Praise KINGDOM PRAISE Yashah Ben Yah'shua Servant and Royal Emissary The House of Davïd AN OPEN EPISTLE A Word on Honor and Humility Yashah, a Servant of YAHUWAH our Father and Yahushua our Redeemer, to the Holy Nation in Christ, Shal'm. Beloved saints, it is often said in both Messianic and traditional Christian circles that our Father YAH "…shares His glory with no one." And of course, this is often taken to mean that we as His children must praise Him, and Him alone... So for most of us, the proper worship of YAH includes the popular religious doctrine that 'All praises are due to the Most High!' But is this belief really a Biblical truth? Even in this 'post season' of our affliction, the subject of praise and worship among our people has remained highly controversial. And that includes everything from confusion around the gift of tongues, to the endless debate on the pronunciation of the Sacred Names, to the strict insistence upon this man-made precept for praising the Most High. And if our current perception of praise and worship truly represents sound doctrine, then just like with all truth, it must withstand the scrutiny of critical analysis. Now - as we all know, it is written, "I AM YAHUWAH: that is My Name: and My Glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images" (Isa. 42:8). All praise belongs to Almighty YAH, and to Him alone! Or so the story goes... Notice that the word 'praise' in the English language is defined broadly, as "an expression of approval, commendation or admiration." But the Hebrew word translated as 'praise' in this verse is the word 'tehillah,' which means "a song or hymn of praise and adoration specifically unto YAH!" Sélah. Also consider that in English, 'worship' means "the reverent love and devotion accorded a deity." But in Hebrew - the Divine language - the primary word for worship is 'shachah,' which literally means "to bow down or prostrate oneself," [which inherently includes an attitude of thanksgiving.] With those distinctions in language being drawn, a careful study of this profound verse reveals that based upon His Self-existence - based upon His Holy Name - Almighty YAH is simply referring to His Commandment to have no other gods before Him; and not to who among us is worthy of glory, honor and praise other than Himself! Or even worship - as in to bow down... Beloved family, the Almighty GOD has declared for the ages that He will not give His Glory to another. In other words, Abba YAH says He alone shall receive His own Glory - the Highest Glory - as the Most High! Again, not that anyone else should receive glory, honor or praise but Himself. Behold, Yisrael: this subtle error in our understanding of worship and praise has created several major obstacles in our road to spiritual maturity and the unity of the faith. Now, let's look at four basic problems that this 'all praises are due' doctrine (APTTMH) causes: 1. It paints a false image of Abba YAH as a selfish and prideful tyrant who will tolerate no one being honored among His people but Himself. Obviously, this misunderstanding has led to great dysfunction in our relationships with our GOD. After all, how can we fully trust in an immature and insecure Father? Of course, we cannot. Behold: Abeinu-our Father is the Almighty! And certainly, our highest praises do belong to Him, and Him alone; for He alone is the Most High GOD. But - like any good father, He certainly wants His children to be glorified, honored and praised! Again, based on many passages of YAH-breathed scripture, to literally bow before another king, or others in YAH-delegated authority, is not blasphemous! For example, it is written, "Now Yosef-Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Yosef’s brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth" (Gen. 42:6). Indeed. And surely, those of us in the Western hemisphere of the Children of Yahudah-Judah must become especially familiar with this truth. Why? Consider, my people, that the very name of our pre-eminent tribe Yahudah means in the Hebrew tongue, "Praise YAHUWAH." And what was prophesied to be Yahudah's ultimate destiny? "Yahudah, you are he whom your brethren shall praise: your hand shall be in the neck of your enemies; your father's children shall bow down before you" (Gen. 49:8). Now if we as faithful Yahudim-Judeans are to fulfill our duty as the Davidic praise leaders of the New Kingdom as a whole, we must not only glorify, honor and praise Abba YAH in the highest, but we must also be prepared to receive unto ourselves great glory, which will soon come from our brethren who are scattered abroad; as well as the Gentiles whom we shall receive as an inheritance... Again, Yahudah is he whom his brethren shall praise! 2. It creates a false sense of humility. Now the idea that YAH and YAH alone is worthy of our praise appears at first glance to represent the word of a meek and contrite spirit. But in truth, anyone who believes there are none among his brothers who are worthy of honor or praise is by definition walking in arrogance, however unknowingly. And walking in false humility makes true humility impossible to achieve... Behold, saints: true humility is not a failure to recognize one's own growth, labor or authority in Mashiakh. Sélah. Nor is it to reject or withhold praise, [along with rebuking, reproving and admonishing], which rightfully belongs to our brethren. As it is written, true humility in Christ is simply "not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought." We should never pretend that we are somehow not worthy of receiving praise at those moments when we are. When we do, we rob ourselves of the much-needed hope and encouragement that a fitly spoken word of praise can bring; as well as the blessings that come upon our brothers and sisters who wisely honor and commend us for our obedience and good works in Christ! 3. It prevents us from fully edifying one another in our most holy faith. This well-meaning oversight is much of the reason why the remnant remains so extremely vulnerable to being weakened with envy and strife (rivalry). And again, we don't care to praise or honor one another, since all praise belongs only to YAH. Really... The apostle Paul wrote, "Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you" (1 Cor. 11:2). And that word of praise no doubt served as a great source of strength and encouragement for the newly converted pagans at Corinth, and not as a threat to Abba YAH’s glory, honor and praise as the Most High GOD! In fact, we have been commanded, even toward unbelievers, to "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor" (Rom. 13:7). Beloved family, the hour has come for the Commonwealth of Yisrael to worship YAH in Spirit and in truth, and - to begin to edify and encourage one another with due honor and praise! 4. It overlooks the necessary inspiration and motivation it takes to fight the good fight of faith. Surely, brethren, the heart and soul of our faith as YAH-worshipping Yisraelites in Mashiakh is the crucifixion and Resurrection of Yahushua. And as it is written, "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain" (1 Cor. 15:14). So then, we would be wise to determine what gave Christ the strength to endure such humiliation and disgrace; that we may also learn to do likewise, and thereby inherit eternal life... The prophet Sh'muel-Samuel declared, " obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." (1 Sam. 15:22b). So while praise is obviously an indispensable part of our worship of YAH, the obedience that comes from true worship far outweighs the sacrifice of praise! And it was the Master Himself who taught us that those who worship the Father must worship Him in Spirit, and in Truth. And with all of the marvelous words of praise He spoke concerning His Father, it was His obedience to the Truth of YAH - His worship - that carried the day. Beloved children, it is written, "Looking unto Yahushua, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of YAHUWAH" (Hebrews 12:2). And "the joy that was set before Him" is beautifully expressed in Paul's letter to the Philippians – "And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself , and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore YAH also has highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yahushua, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth..." (Phil. 2:8-10). Even so, Ahmen. Likewise, we as YAH's elect must know and understand that second only to our love of Abba YAH and Mashiakh, and loving our neighbors as ourselves, our true inspiration and motivation for continuing to war against the world, the flesh, and the devil is to be highly exalted with Christ! Hear, O Yisrael, and hearken, you ends of the earth: Our Messiah humbled Himself, to seek - not to deny - glory, honor and praise... The glory, honor and praise that comes from our Father alone; both in heaven, and through these vessels of clay. And therefore, true humility among the faithful remnant is not found in refusing this praise, but in pursuing it! As it is written to those of us "...who by patient continuance in well-doing (not in status-seeking), seek for glory and honor and immortality; eternal life" - "Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not." Sélah. Now let the Thunderous Praises of the Elect be unto YAHUWAH our Father, and His Son, Yahushua our Redeemer, both Now and Forevermore! YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!! May the Grace, Mercy, and Eternal Shal’m of Abba YAH be with you all. Echad. IT'S KINGDOM TIME. For the downloadable epistle, click on the link below: Kingdom Praise.pdf For a full listing of Kingdom resources, click here .

  • Muzic | United States | TCVI

    Welcome to Mayim Muzic, featuring RUAKH: 'The New Genre of the Kingdom' MUZIC "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." - Colossians 3:16 Yashah Ha Zamir TCVI is pleased to recognize a highly gifted associate with the KYCN family, Pastor John Tatum - Yokhanon Ben Yisra'el Ha Kohane - an amazing artist, with a powerful priestly anointing! For more from the Pastor-Kohane, visit: RUAKH: The New Genre of the Kingdom Beloved family, with all of the Holy Psalms we as the children of YAH have been blessed to receive, the ancient love song, the Song of Solomon, is called in the Hebrew tongue, 'Shir Ha Shirim,' which means " The Song of Songs." Indeed. By all accounts, these timeless love lyrics foreshadow the spiritual intimacy shared by the Messiah and His Bride, the true remnant Churches. The Most High has revealed to His servant that in like manner, it will not be the current Christian genres, but spiritual love songs that will "set the atmosphere," if you will, for the great Hebrew Yisraelite reawakening in Christ now upon us! Look for TCVI's all-new KYCN Media station... COMING SOON!

  • The Church at Victorville | United States | TCVI

    The Church at Victorville (TCVI) is a legal NON-501(c)3 global alliance of Hebrew and naturalized Yisraelites in Christ, dedicated to advancing the Kingdom Government of the Commonwealth of Yisrael, based in the High Desert of Southern California, USA. A New Emancipation Proclamation IT'S KINGDOM TIME Habakkuk 2:1-4 Shal'm The Church at Victorville (TCVI) is a global, Messianic Christian Yisraelite association, based in the High Desert of Southern California. TCVI teaches that we, the supposed 'African American' people, are the true seed of the ancient Hebrew Yisraelites; and are therefore, the primary heirs and rightful executors of the Covenants of Almighty YAH. We also teach that the faithful Gentiles grafted into the Kingdom through Christ are naturalized Yisraelites; and fellow subjects of the hidden Throne of Davïd , and the Desposyni - the First Family of Yisrael. Come join the KYCN family! Is Christ the Son of David? Discover the key to the ancient mystery that has blinded the Kingdom Movement! THE BRANCH In the Real News THE REVELATION OF BLACK JESUS Russian President Vladimir Putin displays a pre-Renaissance icon of Christ. CREDIT: May 10, 2024 Russian Free Press For the past sixty years, the vast majority of Black American women, and the down low black preachers, politicians, "stars" and betas who exploit them, have chosen to identify with the so-called Democratic Party. And yet, from its pro-slavery beginnings in 1828 to this day, this treasonous "elite" cabal has been the upright "black" man's greatest enemy. But in 2024, thanks to Russian President Vladimir Putin, a so-called white man, the truth was finally revealed before the whole world that the real Christ is a 'black' man. And suddenly, many of these self-righteous, bought-and-sold black traitors began to pretend as if they were not guilty of bowing before their liberal massas - and worse - while brutally slandering and oppressing the "uppity blacks" who have obeyed the true 'Jesus,' Yahushua, and have faithfully borne their crosses all along. And so it is. Behold: The Divine Judgment is now set. And all faithful Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ and true Christian citizens and subjects of the Holy Nation shall be vindicated and greatly rewarded! But the traitors, both "black and white," are being seen by the whole world for exactly who they are - and shall be fully recompensed by Almighty YAH according to their works, as it is written. YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH! A Word from the Servant: Read here THE GREAT GATHERING! Hear, O Yisrael: After the four-hundred-year sojourn of Yahudah in America, the end-time deliverance of all Yisrael has come! And in 2025, the all-time historic Hebrew year of the Great Jubilee unfolds... It's time to help support your emerging Kingdom City in the High Desert of Southern California! Learn more here Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of YAHUWAH and the faith of Yahushua. - Revelation 14:12 THE WORD IS OUT! Jewish 'Zionists' troubled over Biblical Jews in the Holy Land Kefar Ha Shalom's Minister of Information, Sar Ahmadiel Ben Yehuda, speaks at the 45th Annual New World Passover Celebration at Dimona, Israel. Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael (April 30, 1941 - August 21, 2022). May He Rest in Shal'm! My beloved elder and friend, and the original International Ambassador 'Plenipotentiary' of the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, the great diplomat and statesman Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael, with his firstborn son, Asiel Ben Asiel - in Ghana, West Africa, 2017. R.I.C., Prince Asiel Jr. - You faithfully bore public witness to the servant's Davidic anointing, and called upon the Kingdom to do the same... I'll see you in the Morning, beloved son. I won't let you down! YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!! The Honorable Nasik Gavriel Ha Gadol and Family My beloved brother and friend, 'The Angel of Love,' and a Founding Father of The Village of Peace; the Elder Statesman of the Holy Council at Dimona, Israel. Prince AmonYAH Ben Eleazar Ha Kohane & Family My beloved elder brother and fellow Kingdom strategist, Prince AmonYah Ben Eleazer Ha Kohane of Mitzpe Ramon; an original member of the Order of Priests at Dimona, Israel. Putin declares to the world that Christ is 'black' Russian President Vladimir Putin opens his nation's vaults to display original icons of ancient Hebrew Yisraelites, including Christ Himself! Hebrew Yisraelites vs. the Israeli state? Are the Shemetic Hebrew Yisraelite-aware in America "anti-Semitic?" Will the Jewish people and the Israeli state remain exempt from legitimate criticism? Stay tuned... An 11th-century Greek painting of captive Hebrew Yisraelites Three Chaldean officials with captive Judeans in ancient Babylon. THE SEVEN SALEMS A miraculous sign from Almighty YAH in the heavens over America - 2017. This divine event earmarks the beginning of the last seven years of Yisrael's sojourn... Reasoning with an ISUPK Captain Discussing the Royal Order of Davïd with Captain Sakawar at an ISUPK BBQ in Victorville, CA. The group's controversial leader, Commanding General Yahanna, greeted the servant warmly and respectfully. The original twelve Apostles of Christ A pre-Renaissance icon of the twelve apostles Before the Trans-Atlantic slave trade 'switch-over' A pre-"Renaissance" Eastern Eurasian rendering of Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ. Former Egyptian President, the late Gamel Abdel Nasser The late-great Egyptian leader's famous quote still reverberates in today's emerging Hebrew Yisraelite Movement... Victorville, California A city of Divine destiny...

  • Terms of Use | United States | TCVI

    The Church at Victorville - Terms of Service Top Terms of Use This is a page full of legal jargon to help protect you. 'Terms of Use' defines the conditions which one must accept in order to use a website. Once you as a site user read this page, you automatically agree to the policies laid out therein. If your do not agree with these policies, you should not use our site. Todah - Thank you. I. Use License a. Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on The Church at Victorville (TCVI) web site for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not: Modify or copy the materials. Use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial). Attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on TCVI's web site. Remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or Transfer the materials to another person or "mirror" the materials on any other server. b. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by TCVI at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format. II. Disclaimer The materials on TCVI's web site are provided "as is." TCVI makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, TCVI does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its Internet web site or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site. III. Limitations In no event shall TCVI or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption), arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on TCVI's Internet site, even if TCVI or a TCVI authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you. IV. Revisions and Errata The materials appearing on TCVI's web site could include technical, typographical or photographic errors. TCVI does not warrant that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete or current. TCVI may make changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice. TCVI does not, however, make any commitment to update the materials. V. Links TCVI has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Internet web site and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by TCVI of the site. Use of any such linked web site is at the user's own risk. VI. Site Terms of Use Modifications TCVI may revise these terms of use for its web site at any time without notice. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use. VII. Governing Law Any claim relating to TCVI's web site shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of law provisions. *General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site.

  • Welcome to the NLC | United States | TCVI

    Welcome to the KYCN National Leadership Council KYCN NATIONAL LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Yashah Ben Yah'shua Servant and Royal Emissary The House of Davïd WELCOME TO THE NLC KYCN Official Statement: Yashah Ha Shaleakh, a Servant of Almighty YAH our Father and Yahushua Ha Mashiakh our Redeemer; to the Princes, Priests, Apostles, Prophets, Teachers and Elders of Yisrael: Shalom, Shalum, Shalam, Shalawam and Peace. The purpose of the KYCN National Leadership Council is: To come together in brotherhood, unity, and fellowship. To develop biblical strategies to remove the ancient curses. To reclaim our stolen legacy, both natural and spiritual. To re-establish our Kingdom government. To restore our birthright as primary heirs and executors of the Holy Covenants. ROYAL DECREE I, Yashah Ben Yahushua, of the House of Davïd, the Founding Father of TCVI-KYCN, Do Seek To Identify and Convene a Diverse Body of Chosen, Faithful, and Wise Men In Yisrael, Representing Every Stream of Thought, Among Hebrew Yisraelites In Yahushua Ha Mashiakh; With the Intent To Ratify Our Constitution, As a Foundational Seed For the New Kingdom Sanhedrin of Yisrael in Exile; To Fill the Kingdom Ministry Offices of the Nation, According To Each Man's Tribal Calling In Ha Mashiakh; and To Come Into Everlasting Unity and Spiritual Perfection In Him. Sons of YAH: If you are a Hebrew Yisraelite in Ha Mashiakh-Christ, and thirty years of age or above, you are eligible. If you meet the basic requirements set forth [in Titus 1:5-11], and wish to correspond with us, please contact us at: . Todah, Benim - Thank you, Sons! May the Grace and Mercy of Abba YAH be unto you - Shal'm and Peace. IT’S KINGDOM TIME. Join Now For the downloadable version, click on the link below: KYCN National Leadership Council.pdf For a full listing of Kingdom resources, click here .

  • The Great Gathering | United States | TCVI

    A powerful word on the coming Great Gathering of the Yisraelites in the wilderness of America. THE GREAT GATHERING In the Wilderness of the People of America A HOLY DECREE Yashah Ben Yah'shua, a Servant and Royal Emissary of the House of Davïd, to the Holy Nation Worldwide, Greetings. Beloved children, in light of the growing New Awakening, and the ongoing controversy over the location of ancient Jerusalem, a new urgency to return to the Promised Land has swept through the Kingdom. And certainly, the scriptures are clear concerning the promise of a physical return... With that being said, many among the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware, including this servant, expect that before Abba YAH fully restores our ancient homeland, He will gather us into the wilderness of our affliction in New Yisrael - Arzareth-America - in the midst of His representative "melting pot" of all the peoples of the earth. Behold: Let it be acknowledged throughout the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement, that the most distant wilderness region on earth from the original land of our fathers is the Mojave Desert in Southern California - which "just so happens" to be the former land of a very rare, Torah-oriented indigenous Yisraelite tribe that inhabited the land of the Joshua Tree. And along with nearby Los Angeles, The City of the Angels , the Mojave region shares virtually the same global latitude as Jerusalem itself… The true name of these Mojave native Americans is Ha Makhav - Hebrew definition: 'The open and secure bending water.' [The Hebrew etymology of Ha Makhav: Ha - 'the', Mem - 'water' (mighty, blood), Kaf – 'bend' (open, tame), Vav - 'secure' (add, hook).] Miraculously, the one-hundred-ten-mile Mojave river is underground and literally flows backwards across San Bernardino County - away from the ocean instead of towards it! The river's waters never reach the sea... And one of the only two places it surfaces is in the city of Victorville. The general location of this High Desert city in the Victor Valley was the seat of the Capital of Ha Makhav, where the 'mayim' (water) - the 'mem' in Makhav - was available in abundance. Indeed. Let it also be known that poverty-stricken 'Jacob' from South L.A. has already begun to relocate to the High Desert in serious numbers, by the outstretched arm of Almighty YAH! A SAFE HAVEN At this glorious and yet perilous hour in our history, we as true Yisraelites have now witnessed the final year of our four-hundred-year affliction in America; accompanied by the great sign of the four blood moons, and a steep rise in unchecked terrorism against our people... And notice that in our captivities in ancient Egypt and Babylon, we gathered together in our own separate territories, and thereby remained strong and unified. We were together in one place. This is why the Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzars and Hamans were never able to fully disenfranchise our people as America has done. In other words, we established our own territory in each captivity, to preserve our people, and sustain our culture. We must do so again. Hear, O Yisrael: It is written, "Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, says Adonai YAHUWAH" (Ezek. 20:36). Notice that the wilderness our ancient fathers escaped to was yet in the land of Egypt - in the land formerly ruled by their oppressors. According to the prophecy, so shall He plead with true Yisrael today - in a wilderness formerly under our oppressors as well. In the 'New Egypt.' Sélah. Let it be known throughout the Movement that the Servant-Emissary of the House of Davïd has organized and structured the TCVI Church-Sanhedrin to provide a legal foundation for a sovereign Yisraelite city-state in the wilderness of America, as a safe haven for our people - restoring the United Kingdom of Yisrael in exile. 2019 For as long as most of us can remember, the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware community has been deeply divided over the 'four hundred years' prophecy, recorded in Genesis 15. And as we all know, the 2019 end-date is based on the official 1619 historical marker of the introduction of chattel slavery into America. The prophecy reveals that after a four-hundred-year servitude, Abraham's seed shall come out of great affliction "...with great substance." And now, the historical marker of 1619 has been officially codified by America in the recent legislation, House Resolution 1242; echoing the position of the proponents among us [of which this servant is surely one]. So does this particular prophecy apply to all Yisrael? As you know, according to the Torah, Hebrew Yisraelites were scattered across the length and breadth of the earth. But the final dispersal of the Kingdom of Yahudah was primarily southward into Africa. And yet, we who were delivered to the Americas - and to the United States in particular - were specifically set apart from Yahudah in Africa, as well as from Ephraim in America, and the Commonwealth at-large. To be sure, many of our Yisraelite ancestors were living, both free and bond, in the Western Hemisphere prior to 1619. However, 1619 marks the onset of our affliction beginning at Point Comfort, Virginia - which occurred under the aegis of the revolutionary 'American Experiment.' Let it also be known throughout the Commonwealth, that the Hebrew Yisraelites from the United States of America represent a specifically set-apart component of the overall Diaspora, consisting primarily of the ruling class of the Kingdom of Yahudah, inhabitants of Benyamin and Yerushalayim, and the Royal family of Davïd. So why the United States? My fellow countrymen, the original intent of the U.S. Constitution was to replicate the Divine preeminence of ancient Yisrael. This destiny and purpose makes the United States of America separate and distinct among all the nations of the earth. To that extent, the four-hundred-year captivity of Abraham's seed began under the thirteen British colonies of America in August of 1619, and set in motion a chastisement and processing that is totally unique among the Diaspora. (Note: The maiden voyage of 'The Good Ship Jesus,' marking the introduction of chattel slavery into the Western Hemisphere, was to the Spanish stronghold of the Dominican Republic, in the year 1562, some fifty-seven years earlier.) The truth is, brethren, that the four-hundred years prophecy specifically concerns Abraham's seed (singular), which the New Davidic Covenant reveals to be Yahushua - the Messiah Himself (Gal. 3:16). Therefore, the Genesis prophecy speaks only of those Hebrew Yisraelites determined by YAH to be in Yahushua Ha Mashiakh (Gal. 3:29). Clearly, the overwhelming majority of Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ are, and will be, from America. And so shall the Hebrew Yisraelites, led by the Royal family of Davïd, and all Yahudah and Jerusalem, gloriously fulfill the prophecy of Genesis of an end-times mass Exodus of the seed of Ya'aqob to the land of our fathers. Sélah. EGYPT OR BABYLON Even at the dawning of our prophesied deliverance, there still remains much confusion in the Movement over the very nature of our captivity. For example, some say we must flee "Babylon," meaning America, and return to our homeland as a refuge from the coming wrath of YAH. [Although it is written, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Mashiakh Yahushua, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit."] On the other hand, some of us say that America is the new Egypt; and that we will be passed over, just as it was in Goshen - and like the first Exodus, we shall come forth with great substance. To begin with, our conflating of these allegories has caused us to overlook the fact that the two captivities were completely different - both in terms of their prophetic meaning, and their effect on our ancient fathers. Indeed, we must flee Babylon. No doubt! But remember, the Babylonians led us away captive; whereas with the Egyptians (like in America), Yisraelites were living in the land long before the age of captivity... According to Daniel's vision, the four kingdoms that would seek to destroy our people were headed by Babylon. Not Egypt - who was not numbered among the four. As it is written, "…blessed be Egypt, My people..." (Is. 19:25). Why? Because Babylon was a demonic kingdom that opposed Yisrael from the outset, and Egypt did not. The Egyptians never attempted to overthrow our culture and beliefs. And remember, akhim, our father Abraham left his hometown just south of Babylon; and was led into Egypt by the Most High. Again, we must flee Babylon! But clearly, Babylon is not America. Babylon is the harlot church. So how is it then, brethren? We must flee the harlot churches of America, but not America herself. Again, the United States of America is like unto the new Egypt. And like the ancient mother of Arzareth-America, as a sign to the nations, she will face the wrath of YAH, while His elect from every nationality of man are preserved right in her midst... Brethren, the conclusion of the matter is this: We as a people must flee the harlot religious system. But we must remain in 'Egypt' until the appointed time of our repatriation and dual citizenship - which is very close at hand. Let us take heart, Hebrews. We must no longer fear the prophesied wrath and redemption of YAH to come upon America - the land of the ten northern tribes of Yisrael (Is. 18:1-7). But rather, let us tremble at the thought of being judged by the Most High as part of the Babylonian harlot of Catholicism/Churchianity. Now, the New Exodus will be different in one fundamental way. This time, not only will we come out of Egypt and Babylon, but Egypt and Babylon will come out of us! And again, we shall no more defile His land. Remember, even the generation that entered into the promised land rebelled against the Most High, just as their fathers did, and greatly defiled the land (Ezek. 20:8-21). This is the very reason that Abba YAH will gather us in the land of our captivity, just as He did in the wilderness of Egypt. To purge us, and to prepare us to enter into His promises. And this time, our divine national blessing shall be forever. Even so, Ahmen. KEEPING THE FEASTS IN CAPTIVITY In recent years, some among us have argued that since we now know 'the true location of Zion,' we must return immediately in order to reinstate the animal sacrifices. And some of us have even begun to offer animal sacrifices while yet in the Diaspora. But according to the Torah, all physical sacrifices beyond the days of the Exodus were to be carried out under the Levitical Priesthood. For example, it is written, "And the remnant of the meat offering shall be Aharone-Aaron's and his sons: it is a thing most holy of the offerings of YAHUWAH made by fire" (Lev. 2:3). And again, "And you shalt bring the meat offering that is made of these things, unto YAHUWAH. and when it is presented unto the priest, he shall bring it unto the altar" (Lev. 2:8). In this, the final season of our affliction, the restoration of the tabernacle of Davïd is Divinely connected to the two families YAH has chosen - the sons of Davïd and the sons of Tzad ó k . And for those of us in Mashiakh, and thus a part of the restored Davidic Tabernacle, the animal sacrifices offered by the natural Levitical order will occur according to the new Royal Priestly Order of Melchizedek (Ezek. 44:10-31). As it is written, "Purge out therefore the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us" (1 Cor. 5:7). Again, we cannot lawfully offer sacrifices pleasing unto YAH apart from the laws and ordinances concerning the actual order of Tzad ó k , which has obviously not yet been established. SACRIFICES UNDER THE MELCHIZEDEK ORDER Now, at the ancient tabernacle of Davïd, the King ordered both natural and spiritual sacrifices and offerings to be performed by the sons of Aharone. The record in the Chronicles states, "Davïd distributed them, both Tzad ó k of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the sons of Ithamar, according to their offices in their service" (1 Chr. 24:3). And furthermore, "…Davïd called for Tzad ó k and Abiathar the priests, and for the Levites, for Uriel, AshaYahu, and Yoel, ShemaYahu, and Eliel, and Amminadab. And Davïd spoke to the chief of the Levites to appoint their brethren to be the singers with instruments of music, psalteries and harps, and cymbals sounding, by lifting up the voice with joy" (1 Chr. 15:11-16). Once again, according to the last days visions of Ezekiel, the coming eternal Temple in Jerusalem will include the perpetual offering of animal sacrifices, along with all other Mosaic offerings, by the faithful remnant of the sons of Levi, under the sons of Tzad ó k and the restored Royal Priestly Order of Melchizedek. But - before He will allow us to return as a people to our original Promised Land and offer up natural sacrifices, we must first gather ourselves together while still in exile, to offer up spiritual sacrifices of worship and praise unto Abba YAH, as well as genuine love, righteousness and brotherhood! And thereby, before the New Exodus, our Priestly Order shall be fully restored, tested and tried, and fully consecrated and acceptable unto YAH! For as it is written, we as a nation shall never defile His Holy Land again. But meanwhile, we must be ever mindful not to place the land of Zion above the King of Zion! After all, Hebrews, what man among us would choose a woman who is more concerned with his home than with himself? Hear O Yisrael: Let us now bring to our remembrance once and for all time, that the Holy Land was made for His people - His people were not made for the Holy Land! Remember, the land was named after Yisrael - Yisrael was not named after the land… To that extent, YAH loves the people of Zion more than the land of Zion! And surely, Abba YAH is not nearly as concerned with getting us out of Egypt and Babylon, as He is with getting Egypt and Babylon out of us! Now, at this point, let us briefly examine the record of Davïd raising the ancient tabernacle, according to the actual Hebrew language and culture: English: In that day will I raise up (Hebrew: 'Koom') the tabernacle (Hebrew: 'Cukkah') of Davïd that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it (Hebrew: 'Banah') as in the days of old (Amos 9:11). Hebrew Yisraelite translation: In that day, I will re-establish the temporary dwelling of Davïd that has fallen; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will restore his family, as in the days of old. These very familiar passages, rightfully translated according to the Hebrew language and culture, prove beyond any doubt that the ruins YAHUWAH promised to raise up was the very family of King Davïd. And again, Abba YAH was also revealing that in the last days, He would restore Davïd’s family. It is not the King’s ancient dwellings, but his righteous rule that will be as in the days of old. As it is written, YAH does not dwell in temples made with man’s hands. Are we not living stones in the temple of YAH? To be sure, YAH dwells in Zion. To this we all agree. And yet not in the land of Zion alone, but much more importantly, in the inner dry place - the Zion of His people. My brethren, it was only when the original disciples were in one place and in one accord that the Ruakh fell, and they were fully empowered to establish the Torah in Mashiakh. Now notice that when this occurred, they were in Yerushalayim; and yet, they were not in the Temple or in the physical tent, neither were they in the citadel of Davïd (Acts 2). Does this not show that we as His people are now the Tabernacle, and that the Most High has taken up residence within us? Also, at the gathering of the elders to decide how the Gentiles should relate to the Torah, Ya'aqob-James - a son of Davïd, and the brother of Mashiakh - declared and decreed the unfolding fulfillment of the prophecy of Amos concerning the restored tabernacle (Acts 15). And yet the Elders were not in the physical tabernacle, but under the Royal family YAHUWAH Himself decreed and established. According to the original apostles, those are the ruins that are being raised up under the post-Levitical Melchizedek Priesthood. THE LAW Unfortunately, there is a prevailing wind in the Movement, teaching that Yisrael should not seek the Most High in captivity. More and more voices are saying that Abba YAH Himself can only be found in Zion. So they say... But what do the scriptures say? "And YAHUWAH shall scatter you among the nations, and you shall be left few in number among the heathen where YAHUWAH shall lead you. And there you shall serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood, and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat nor smell. But if from there you shall seek YAHUWAH your Elohim you shall find Him, if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deut. 4:27-29). And of course, King Shelomo-Solomon's ancient prayer in the writings: "When they sin against you, for there is no one who does not sin, and you become angry with them and give them over to their enemies who take them captive to their own lands far away or near; and if they have a change of heart in the land where they are held captive and repent, and plead with you in the land of their captors and say, 'We have sinned, we have done wrong, we have acted wickedly; And if they turn back to you with all their heart and soul in the land of their enemies who took them captive, and pray to you toward the land you gave their ancestors, toward the city you have chosen and the temple I have built for your Name, then from heaven your dwelling place, hear their prayer and their plea and uphold their cause" (1 Kings 8:46-49). The New Covenant also bears witness, saying, "...they should seek YAHUWAH, if thereby they might feel after Him and find Him, though He be not far from every one of us" (Acts 17:27). THE PROPHETS On the other hand, Yisrael, if we return to seek YAH in Zion, but do not those things which are according to His purpose, will He hear us? And to be sure, we are living in a time of great wickedness... Behold, the mind of YAH in a time of national rebellion: "Hear the word of YAHUWAH, you rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the Law of our Elohim, you people of Gomorrah. To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me, says YAHUWAH: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bulls or of lambs or of he-goats. When you come to appear before me, who has required this at your hand, to tread my courts? Come now and let us reason together says YAHUWAH: though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool. If you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land: But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of YAHUWAH has spoken it" (Is. 1:10-12, 18-20). My brethren, whether or not Abba hears our cries is not based upon where we are in time and space, but where we are in the secret place of our hearts. Sélah. The Most High Himself, through the prophet YermiYahu-Jeremiah, put it this way: "Then shall you call upon Me and you shall go and pray unto Me, and I will hearken unto you. And you shall seek me and find Me when you shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, says YAH. And I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places where I have driven you, says YAHUWAH; and I will bring you again into the place where I caused you to be carried away captive" (Jer. 29:12-14). In truth, much of the urgent call to gather our people in Zion before the Day of YAH actually comes from the media influence of a false Gentile version of end-time events. For example, the prophet Yoel writes, "Blow the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in My holy mountain: Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of YAHUWAH comes, for it is nigh at hand... Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders..." (Joel 2:1, 16a.) In this chapter, the prophet describes in Hebraic cultural language, a great army that many believe will come upon Yisrael in the near future. This view contends that we must therefore return to the land "before the decree bring forth." But is this really what the prophet revealed, akhim? Or is this what the Gentiles have been revealing through their media? Yoel 2:25 says this: "And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you." The Hebraic truth of the matter is, Yoel's prophecy recorded in chapter two is not speaking of today's Yisrael at all. It speaks of YAH's great army of locusts used to destroy the food supply in a judgment upon ancient Yisrael! As a case in point, Yoel goes on to prophesy, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh" (Joel 2:28a). The apostle Kefa-Peter quoted this passage on Shavu'ot as being fulfilled with the outpouring of Ruakh Ha Qodesh at that time… Sh'ma Yisrael: In truth, the prophecy of judgment upon Yisrael recorded in Yoel chapter two has already been fulfilled. And surely, many more Greco-Roman misinterpretations of the prophets, and a lack of divine innerstanding of the end-times, have crept in among our people unawares, and have left us greatly divided and prophetically confused. A ROYAL EDICT My fellow countrymen, we must no longer seek our repatriation from the U.S., the U.N., the Knesset, or anyone else but Almighty YAH. In truth, our conformity to the current political order is an affront to the Most High, who desires to finally be acknowledged by the nations in this final captivity of His people as the only One who can deliver His people! For very soon, all the nations of the earth shall seek after us, my brethren. Trust and believe. Hear O Yisrael, and understand - it is not enough for the Gentiles to just read what we write and hear what we say. They must now see what we do. Let us come together, O Yisrael, and put forth an actual demonstration before the nations of what will transpire when the people of the Most High are in one place and in one accord! For at this very hour, the nations of the earth groan together in travail; waiting on a manifestation of the true sons of YAH, just as it is written. Sélah. And it shall be this witness - and only this witness - that shall cause the nations to flow unto Zion. I beseech you, brethren: Whether you are an Elder called to nation-build, or a Yisraelite, or anyone else with financial means, it is time to support an effort under a Kingdom mandate to build a city of refuge; a safe haven in the wilderness of the people, as it is written. YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH! May the Grace, Mercy, and Shalom of Abba YAH be with you all. ECHAD. IT'S KINGDOM TIME. For the downloadable document, click on the link below: The Great Gathering.pdf Additional info: The Two Holy Cities to Come.pdf Kingdom of Yisrael Community Land Trust.pdf Kingdom of Yisrael Land Reserve Initiative.pdf Kingdom Community Funding Proposal.pdf Afro Indigenous Mexicans Become Sovereign "Afro" Yisraelites in Mexico are now being legally recognized as a sovereign nationality... Your emerging Kingdom city-state is now gaining legal traction in North America! For a full listing of Kingdom resources, click here . DONATE

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