Yashah Ben Yah'shua
Servant and Royal Emissary
The House of Davïd
A Word on Honor and Humility
Yashah, a Servant of YAHUWAH our Father and Yahushua our Redeemer, to the Holy Nation in Christ, Shal'm.
Beloved saints, it is often said in both Messianic and traditional Christian circles that our Father YAH "…shares His glory with no one." And of course, this is often taken to mean that we as His children must praise Him, and Him alone... So for most of us, the proper worship of YAH includes the popular religious doctrine that 'All praises are due to the Most High!'
But is this belief really a Biblical truth?
Even in this 'post season' of our affliction, the subject of praise and worship among our people has remained highly controversial. And that includes everything from confusion around the gift of tongues, to the endless debate on the pronunciation of the Sacred Names, to the strict insistence upon this man-made precept for praising the Most High. And if our current perception of praise and worship truly represents sound doctrine, then just like with all truth, it must withstand the scrutiny of critical analysis.
Now - as we all know, it is written, "I AM YAHUWAH: that is My Name: and My Glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images" (Isa. 42:8). All praise belongs to Almighty YAH, and to Him alone! Or so the story goes...
Notice that the word 'praise' in the English language is defined broadly, as "an expression of approval, commendation or admiration." But the Hebrew word translated as 'praise' in this verse is the word 'tehillah,' which means "a song or hymn of praise and adoration specifically unto YAH!" Sélah.
Also consider that in English, 'worship' means "the reverent love and devotion accorded a deity." But in Hebrew - the Divine language - the primary word for worship is 'shachah,' which literally means "to bow down or prostrate oneself," [which inherently includes an attitude of thanksgiving.]
With those distinctions in language being drawn, a careful study of this profound verse reveals that based upon His Self-existence - based upon His Holy Name - Almighty YAH is simply referring to His Commandment to have no other gods before Him; and not to who among us is worthy of glory, honor and praise other than Himself! Or even worship - as in to bow down...
Beloved family, the Almighty GOD has declared for the ages that He will not give His Glory to another. In other words, Abba YAH says He alone shall receive His own Glory - the Highest Glory - as the Most High! Again, not that anyone else should receive glory, honor or praise but Himself. Behold, Yisrael: this subtle error in our understanding of worship and praise has created several major obstacles in our road to spiritual maturity and the unity of the faith.
Now, let's look at four basic problems that this 'all praises are due' doctrine (APTTMH) causes:
1. It paints a false image of Abba YAH as a selfish and prideful tyrant who will tolerate no one being honored among His people but Himself.
Obviously, this misunderstanding has led to great dysfunction in our relationships with our GOD. After all, how can we fully trust in an immature and insecure Father? Of course, we cannot. Behold: Abeinu-our Father is the Almighty! And certainly, our highest praises do belong to Him, and Him alone; for He alone is the Most High GOD. But - like any good father, He certainly wants His children to be glorified, honored and praised!
Again, based on many passages of YAH-breathed scripture, to literally bow before another king, or others in YAH-delegated authority, is not blasphemous!
For example, it is written, "Now Yosef-Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Yosef’s brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth" (Gen. 42:6). Indeed. And surely, those of us in the Western hemisphere of the Children of Yahudah-Judah must become especially familiar with this truth. Why? Consider, my people, that the very name of our pre-eminent tribe Yahudah means in the Hebrew tongue, "Praise YAHUWAH." And what was prophesied to be Yahudah's ultimate destiny? "Yahudah, you are he whom your brethren shall praise: your hand shall be in the neck of your enemies; your father's children shall bow down before you" (Gen. 49:8).
Now if we as faithful Yahudim-Judeans are to fulfill our duty as the Davidic praise leaders of the New Kingdom as a whole, we must not only glorify, honor and praise Abba YAH in the highest, but we must also be prepared to receive unto ourselves great glory, which will soon come from our brethren who are scattered abroad; as well as the Gentiles whom we shall receive as an inheritance... Again, Yahudah is he whom his brethren shall praise!
2. It creates a false sense of humility.
Now the idea that YAH and YAH alone is worthy of our praise appears at first glance to represent the word of a meek and contrite spirit. But in truth, anyone who believes there are none among his brothers who are worthy of honor or praise is by definition walking in arrogance, however unknowingly. And walking in false humility makes true humility impossible to achieve...
Behold, saints: true humility is not a failure to recognize one's own growth, labor or authority in Mashiakh. Sélah.
Nor is it to reject or withhold praise, [along with rebuking, reproving and admonishing], which rightfully belongs to our brethren. As it is written, true humility in Christ is simply "not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought." We should never pretend that we are somehow not worthy of receiving praise at those moments when we are. When we do, we rob ourselves of the much-needed hope and encouragement that a fitly spoken word of praise can bring; as well as the blessings that come upon our brothers and sisters who wisely honor and commend us for our obedience and good works in Christ!
3. It prevents us from fully edifying one another in our most holy faith.
This well-meaning oversight is much of the reason why the remnant remains so extremely vulnerable to being weakened with envy and strife (rivalry). And again, we don't care to praise or honor one another, since all praise belongs only to YAH. Really... The apostle Paul wrote, "Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you" (1 Cor. 11:2). And that word of praise no doubt served as a great source of strength and encouragement for the newly converted pagans at Corinth, and not as a threat to Abba YAH’s glory, honor and praise as the Most High GOD!
In fact, we have been commanded, even toward unbelievers, to "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor" (Rom. 13:7). Beloved family, the hour has come for the Commonwealth of Yisrael to worship YAH in Spirit and in truth, and - to begin to edify and encourage one another with due honor and praise!
4. It overlooks the necessary inspiration and motivation it takes to fight the good fight of faith.
Surely, brethren, the heart and soul of our faith as YAH-worshipping Yisraelites in Mashiakh is the crucifixion and Resurrection of Yahushua. And as it is written, "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain" (1 Cor. 15:14). So then, we would be wise to determine what gave Christ the strength to endure such humiliation and disgrace; that we may also learn to do likewise, and thereby inherit eternal life...
The prophet Sh'muel-Samuel declared, " obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." (1 Sam. 15:22b). So while praise is obviously an indispensable part of our worship of YAH, the obedience that comes from true worship far outweighs the sacrifice of praise! And it was the Master Himself who taught us that those who worship the Father must worship Him in Spirit, and in Truth. And with all of the marvelous words of praise He spoke concerning His Father, it was His obedience to the Truth of YAH - His worship - that carried the day.
Beloved children, it is written, "Looking unto Yahushua, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of YAHUWAH" (Hebrews 12:2). And "the joy that was set before Him" is beautifully expressed in Paul's letter to the Philippians – "And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore YAH also has highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yahushua, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth..." (Phil. 2:8-10). Even so, Ahmen.
Likewise, we as YAH's elect must know and understand that second only to our love of Abba YAH and Mashiakh, and loving our neighbors as ourselves, our true inspiration and motivation for continuing to war against the world, the flesh, and the devil is to be highly exalted with Christ!
Hear, O Yisrael, and hearken, you ends of the earth: Our Messiah humbled Himself, to seek - not to deny - glory, honor and praise... The glory, honor and praise that comes from our Father alone; both in heaven, and through these vessels of clay. And therefore, true humility among the faithful remnant is not found in refusing this praise, but in pursuing it! As it is written to those of us "...who by patient continuance in well-doing (not in status-seeking), seek for glory and honor and immortality; eternal life" - "Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not." Sélah.
Now let the Thunderous Praises of the Elect be unto YAHUWAH our Father, and His Son, Yahushua our Redeemer,
both Now and Forevermore! YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!!
May the Grace, Mercy, and Eternal Shal’m of Abba YAH be with you all. Echad.
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