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The Kingdom Purpose of Ethnicity

"And He has made from one blood, every nation of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth; and has determined their pre-appointed times, and the boundaries of their countries, so that they should seek the LORD..."

- Acts 17:26-27​​

Beloved brethren, in fulfilling our mission to establish an authentic unity of the faith in the Commonwealth of Yisrael, our first order of business is to reveal to the Holy Nation - to supposed "African Americans," and to faithful proselytes from all nations - the Holy Order of Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ, and the Kingdom purpose of ethnicity in general.


Now as you know, it is written that Abba YAH "...shows His Word unto Ya'aqob; His statutes and His judgments unto Yisrael. He has not dealt so with any nation; and as for His judgments, they have not known them" (Ps. 147:19-20). And as Abba has decreed: "I will make a new Covenant with the house of Yisrael, and with the house of Yahudah" (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8).

Surely, akhim - after the four-hundred-year affliction of our people in America, the greater Commonwealth and the world must finally come to understand that we, the natural seed of Ya'aqob - who are of the faith of Abraham - are divinely ordained as the primary heirs, and the rightful executors of the Covenants of YAH (Rom. 9:3-5).


Behold, traditional Christians: Despite the added blessing of the adoption of sons from every nation as joint heirs in Christ; the true knowledge, wisdom and understanding the faithful remnant must unite upon, has indeed been bequeathed to the true children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. More specifically, to we, the Hebrew Yisraelites; the so-called "African American" people, who are the actual descendants of the ancient Kingdoms of Yahudah and Yisrael. Ironically, it is we, the most despised and rejected component of the Kingdom, who are of the root and foundation of the Holy Nation; and out of which will emerge from this mass confusion, the YAH-ordained "faith once delivered unto the saints."

Now to be sure, saints, in our Hebrew culture, the word 'ben' [son] refers to a manchild who inherits the honor, authority, and character of his father, and not merely his genes. Indeed, love is stronger than flesh - and thicker than blood. Those among us who would inherit the promises must be of the faith of our father Abraham. That is to say, in Christ. Sélah.


And yet, Abba YAH would have broken His Covenants with the founding fathers of the faith, if He had delegated the authority to establish the Kingdom anywhere other than to Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ; to then be extended to His adopted sons who willingly submit to Kingdom order in our Father's House. For example, you fathers: which of you having begat sons, and having occasion to adopt sons from another nation, would then sow discord into your own household by appointing your adopted sons over the obedient sons from your own loins! And yet, at the same time, we must also know that "a wise servant shall have rule over a son that causes shame, and shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren" (Prov. 17:2). Indeed.


As natural Yisraelites, we must be ever mindful of the fact that while we were still dwelling in our own land, still speaking our own language, and still practicing our own lifestyle, our enemies were still able to destroy YAH's Temple and His Holy City. They were still able to slaughter over one million of us, and cause the starving remnant in Judea to flee for their lives into Pella and Africa...

Behold, Hebrews: The outward restoration of our national identity alone is no remedy for our confusion! In fact, the very reason Christ was crucified was for daring to renounce mere nationality and Levitical ordinances as the standard for measuring one's walk with YAH. Sélah.


It is written that in this emerging Kingdom age, the ancient Melchizedek Priesthood shall be fully restored. And despite certain factions of the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware who have yet to see this mystery, hidden in Elohim until the Resurrection of Christ - the adoption of sons from among the nations - Abba YAH is faithful to His Covenants with our fathers, and will yet choose the natural seed of Yisrael in Christ as the root of the Commonwealth (Rom. 11).



Hear, O Yisrael: During this transitionary phase after our four-hundred-year affliction in America, we as a people must no longer lean on our biological heritage as Yisraelites, with our supposed superior 'Hebrew blood,' rather than on the Everlasting Arms... Clearly, it was this very tendency that resulted in our former chastisements and removals from the Promised Land to begin with! Sélah.


With that being said, let it be known throughout the Holy Nation that the set apart land rests on its own tectonic plate, and the African continent sits on its own separate plate. And so, for we as the sons of Yisrael to insist in our racial pride that Ha Eretz is strictly "northeast Africa" represents an unjust balance, which has undermined our cultural and geopolitical credibility in that region and around the world.


My beloved countrymen: in order to bless all the nations of the earth (Gen. 22:18), we must now acknowledge that the Holy Land represents both northeast Africa and 'southwest Eurasia' as well! And certainly, both continents are historically significant to us, with both being included in the worldwide diaspora. Remember, akhim, our father Abraham began his sojourning as Abram Ben Terah from Ur of the Chaldees, to the East of Eden. And to reach beyond that, Genesis 15:18 reveals to us that "...YAHUWAH made a covenant with Abram, saying, 'Unto your seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.'"


So then, akhim, the Holy Land itself includes territory in both Africa and Eurasia. Sélah.

Now, as we all know, the word 'holy' means "set apart." And therefore, the Holy Land by definition is "the Land set apart." So I would simply pose the questions, set apart from what? And from whom? I do believe the answer is clear: from all other peoples and lands 'round about - including the nations of Africa. Also notice, brethren, that after our fathers first came out of Africa, Abba YAH defined His own inheritance; with Mosheh declaring to the newly sovereign nation, "For you are a holy people unto YAHUWAH Elohim: YAHUWAH Elohim has chosen you to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth" (Deut. 7:6). 


In truth, our Divine purpose as Hebrew Yisraelites in the set apart land has always been to bridge the cultural gap between the two great continents of the Old World. This is the bottom-line reason we were strategically positioned as His chosen people in the so-called "Middle East."


[And moreover, the fact that Europe and Asia share the same tectonic plate must even further inform our new approach to fulfilling our national responsibility.]

Now consider, Yisrael, that our father Abraham journeyed from what is modern-day Iraq, migrated into Egypt, and then settled in the Land of the Promise. Prophetically speaking, his very sojourn itself was a foreshadowing of the Divine mission of his Hebrew Yisraelite posterity. And despite our own sojourn as Yahudah in Africa; in order to reunite with Yisrael who sojourned in the "melting pot" of America, our conceptualizing of national unity must now become universal rather than 'Afrocentric.' For example, in using our Kingdom colors as a metaphor - if Africa is red, and Eurasia is blue, then we as all Yisrael must be purple; representing the end-time reunion and synergy of Yahudah and Ephraim, and by extension, of Africa and Eurasia respectively, according to the 'dry bones' prophecy of Ezekiel.


As it is written, "In that day, Yisrael will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the land, whom YAHUWAH of Hosts shall bless, saying, 'Blessed be Egypt My people (representing Africa), and Assyria the work of My hands (representing Eurasia), and Yisrael My inheritance'" (Isa. 19:24-25). Even so, Ahmen.



Now concerning our supposed superior 'Hebrew Yisraelite blood' - hypothetically speaking, if a Yisraelite were to receive a total blood transfusion from a Hamite, would he at that point cease to be a Yisraelite? The truth is, it is written that the divine blessings of Yisrael are not in the blood, but in the seed (Gen. 26:4). Indeed.


Hypothetically - if a man's father is a Gentile and his mother is a Hebrew Yisraelite, what is his nationality? The honest answer is, since his mother's father is a Hebrew Yisraelite, then he too, has a Hebrew Yisraelite father, and thus, he is in fact our brother. Now, we know that every man's blood comes exclusively from his father. So here we have an authentic Hebrew Yisraelite, measured by any yardstick - and yet he has a Gentile's blood running through his veins.


Behold, saints, it is written that the life of the flesh is in the blood. But the life of the soul is in the DNA, where our unique characteristics and divine giftings as Hebrew Yisraelites reside. In fact, no other ethnicity on earth possesses our genetically inherited capacity, evolved and refined over the generations, to rule the nations with justice and mercy; in Spirit and in truth.

And concerning the racism still lingering within our own ranks - notice that King Davïd's great-grandmother Ruth for example, was a Moabitess; a descendant of Lot's firstborn son who was conceived by his eldest daughter. And Rahab the Egyptian harlot is an ancestress of Messiah Yahushua Himself. So apparently, 'bloodlines' are not nearly as crucial to YAH as they seem to be to so many of us (Acts 17:26-27). And as it is written, "In your seed (Abram) shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." In spirit and in truth, sin is colorless, classless, and "raceless," if you will. And clearly, our young lions gunning each other down in the streets of America in such a shameful display of lawlessness - and a callous disregard for "black" lives - show no moral supremacy over "whites."


As we reconsider our supposed African roots based upon our high melanin levels - again, it is evident that our father Abraham himself was born and raised on the Eurasian side of the Holy Land, where his descendants from Yahudah later sojourned for seventy years. And the wise men who discerned the meaning of the Bethlehem Star in the Mazzaroth were trained in a prophetic school in the East, established by the great Judean prophet, Dahniel.


Brethren, we as Hebrews are simply not Africans. Period. We are the children of Yahudah and the children of Yisrael, with both nations being the seed of Shem. And this critical genetic distinction must no longer be overlooked in the name of "Black pride," or 'black' head-counting, to artificially inflate our numbers as a people. As Mosheh assured our fathers, "YAHUWAH did not set His love upon you nor choose you because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people" (Deut. 7:7).


So should we love and embrace Africa, YAH's people? Of course! But should it be greater than our love for Eurasia, the work of YAH's hands? Absolutely not. And we must also acknowledge that the connection of indigenous Africans to the Kingdom of Yahudah is simply that they are proselytes who follow the Tanakh, rather than being our fellow Shemetic children of Yisrael. Surely, Abba YAH is not the author of confusion, as it is written.


Beloved Yisrael, the time has come when we must move beyond exalting our skin color in the manner of our oppressors, and realign ourselves with the Torah itself, which contains no such laws, covenants, prophecies or sentiments. Sélah.


That is, if we truly wish to rise up out of our subordinate national position, and into a united sovereign Kingdom under YAH! Surely, "The earth is YAHUWAH's and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein," as it is written. And after all, our father Noakh blessed his son Yafet right along with Shem and Kham. And therefore, we as the true Yisraelites must now faithfully represent both sides of the Holy Land, and reunite YAH's people who yet dwell across both major continents of the old world.



Finally, my brethren, as Abba YAH's personal inheritance, the hour has come for all Hebrew Yisraelites to fulfill His will, and not our own, on behalf of all the nations of the Commonwealth and the world. And the only way to do this is to finally renounce the racial pride of being "black," still lingering among us from the 1960's, which spawned that generation's "Afrocentricity" - which ironically, is based on a White supremacist byword!


Once again, racial pride is nowhere to be found in the Torah, nor in the ancient Hebrew culture.


In truth, the Black Power Movement was certainly a logical mass reaction to our people being historically mistreated. But in the judgment of this servant, it was an over-reaction. The pendulum of justice at that point swung a little too far in the other direction... As the YAH-ordained leaders of all humanity, we as the root of the Commonwealth must no longer attempt to lead by re-action, but by pro-action. And it seems clear to this servant that our strategies, tactics, and doctrines of war in the Ruakh must always be proactive, and no longer based upon a knee-jerk reaction to the fiery darts of the wicked.


In reality, Black pride (racial superiority) is just as disruptive and divisive as White pride. After all, our people would certainly have a problem with so-called white supremacists adopting as a slogan, "Say it loud, I'm White and I'm proud." And rightfully so. The righteous converts from among the Eurasians have long since recognized this truth; and it is high time for we as Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ to acknowledge this truth as well.



My beloved countrymen, it is written concerning the last days, that "The envy also of Ephraïm shall depart, and the adversaries of Yahudah shall be cut off; Ephraïm shall not envy Yahudah, and Yahudah shall not vex Ephraïm" (Is. 11:13). Even so, Ahmen.


Surely, after some twenty-seven centuries of Diaspora suffered by Ephraïm, and four hundred years of affliction of both nations in America, the time has come for all factions of the Holy Nation to rise above the vain and divisive doctrines of Afrocentricity and White supremacy. Surely, the time has come for the re-bonding of the staffs of Ephraïm and Yahudah! Surely, the time has come for the holy nation to once again become one in the right hand of Abba YAH…


Surely, the time has come to set the nations of the Commonwealth in divine Kingdom order.


Hear, O Yisrael: Surely the time has come for the throne of Davïd and the birthright of Yosef to reconcile in Spirit and Truth, through The Branch - the end-time 'anointed personage' prophesied to come; who shall restore all things spoken by the ancient prophets, as it is written! Sélah.


YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!



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