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"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

- Colossians 3:16

Yashah Ha Zamir

TCVI is pleased to recognize a highly gifted associate with the KYCN family, Pastor John Tatum - Yokhanon Ben Yisra'el Ha Kohane - an amazing artist, with a powerful priestly anointing! For more from the Pastor-Kohane, visit:

RUAKH: The New Genre of the Kingdom

Beloved family, with all of the Holy Psalms we as the children of YAH have been blessed to receive, the ancient love song, the Song of Solomon, is called in the Hebrew tongue, 'Shir Ha Shirim,' which means "The Song of Songs." Indeed.


By all accounts, these timeless love lyrics foreshadow the spiritual intimacy shared by the Messiah and His Bride, the true remnant Churches.


The Most High has revealed to His servant that in like manner, it will not be the current Christian genres, but spiritual love songs that will "set the atmosphere," if you will, for the great Hebrew Yisraelite reawakening in Christ now upon us!


Look for TCVI's all-new

KYCN Media station...


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