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T O   T H E   K I N G D O M   CO M M O N W E A L T H   OF   Y I S R A E L   A N D   T H E   N A T I O N S   O F   T H E   W O R L D 


The Royal Order of 



is the Executive Administration of the Church at Victorville, and a Sovereign Entity as the Royal Order of the Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael.


The Royal House shall serve as the Foundational Order of the Melchizedek Royal Priesthood; being comprised of the Branch, the Davïdic Council, and the New Sanhedrin, and representing the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 


The Royal House authority, duty, and responsibility is derived from her YAH-decreed Holy Order as the Supreme Governing House of the United New Kingdom.


The Royal House was consummated in the first century of the Messianic Era; with its restoration to Executive Power in Jerusalem established by Yahushua Ben YAHUWAH Ha Melekh-Kohane - Christ - the YAH-delegated Eternal King and High Priest of the Universe.


The Royal House originally administered the New Covenant Churches under the rule of Nasik Yah'aqob Ben Yosef [Prince 'James' the Davïdic apostle] - the brother of the Messiah, and the Desposyni - The LORD's kinsmen.


The Royal House currently speaks and acts on behalf of the Kingdom through the formal issuance of Royal Decrees, apostolic and prophetic doctrine, open epistles, and other official government documents.


The Royal House in collaboration with the Kingdom of Yisrael Community Land Trust shall develop and steward a Kingdom City enclave in the High Desert of Southern California, as a sovereign Hebrew Yisraelite state territory. 


The Royal House shall be specifically responsible for Divine rulership of the Kingdom Commonwealth at-large, as organized into culturally reconnected local, national, and international house-churches and 'parachurch' organizations.


The Royal House as a sovereign entity is politically comparable to the city-state it shall govern. That is to say, the Branch and the Davïdic Council shall collaborate with the Kingdom Ministry of State to establish direct Royal diplomatic relations with its fellow nations.


The Divinely delegated Executive Power vested in the House of Davïd to rule the Eternal Church-Sanhedrin of Yisrael dates back to the First Year of the Universal Reign of King Yahushua in the Messianic Era. 

For the downloadable document, click the link below:

The Royal Order of the House of Davïd.pdf

For a full listing of Kingdom resources, click here.

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